Lovely view

Hello! Here's what happened to me this week.

I took a drive in my friend’s car. That’s where I saw the sunset.

It was so beautiful and I wanted to watch it all the time.

Then I went to the beach. 
It was a little cold but there was a nice breeze.

I love fall, but I it passes so quickly and it’s already as cold as winter! I want to take care of myself.

See you next week.


  1. These pictures are so beautiful! I love fall too!

  2. The first picture is very dynamic! I felt I wanted to go to the beach.

  3. Your picture is very beautiful! I wanna go to the beach!!

  4. Your pictures so beautiful! I haven't been to sea recently, so I went to go too!

  5. I think also I want to watch the sunset all the time. Fall, please don't pass so fast ;-((




Lunch time

Happy Holidays

Symbol of Autumn